Friday, August 12, 2011

The American Waist Line

Uncanny does paper find you sleeping with gnaw tips of advice;
Adversing the same soiled old for no good bowl of rice;
Have all the read reasons in your bed behaving like a copper wire book;
A body, in vein motor notepad, internet chat me up hooker hotline - lover and crooks.

So you tumble like a cake trampled, tapped out circus tramp;
Turkey all gobbled up in greasy fat cranberry sauce weight loss crime,
You're all hoisted up, your waist line, buttered crusted bread behind;
The scale says overweighted BABY please drop down Kid.

The por favor is beacuse you have a big mouth, too visor grip to control;
The governement doesn't have rules to shut down your spastic hole;
Your old dress will never come back in style, clown outfits are outdated;
Stop your feet fungus from smelling jitter bug, people think you stink and you're hated.

copyright 2011